How Indoor Air Pollution Is Hurting Your Loved Ones

How Indoor Air Pollution Is Hurting Your Loved Ones

The air indoors is often more polluted than the air outdoors. Considering the average individual spends the majority of their time indoors, this is a big cause for concern. Unfortunately, poor indoor air quality can negatively affect your health in many ways. Below is a list of some of the ways that your health may be affected by indoor air pollution, and what you can do to improve the air quality in your home.

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?

Indoor air pollution can be caused by a variety of factors, but some of the biggest contributors include:

– Radon
– Smoke
– Mold
– Mildew
– Animal Dander
– Pollen
– Paints
– Household Cleaners

Immediate Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution

Have you ever noticed that being in certain rooms, homes or buildings made you feel under the weather? If so, indoor air pollution was likely to blame. Some of the immediate health effects of poor indoor air quality include general flu-like symptoms, along with skin reactions, vomiting, nausea, confusion, fatigue and nosebleeds.

Long-Term Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution

Some people will not notice any ill effects after being exposed to indoor air pollution. However, there may still be long-term effects of poor indoor air quality exposure. Some of the long-term health effects include issues with the respiratory and central nervous systems, as well as an increased risk of certain cancers.

People who have a chronic health condition may notice that their illness is worse after being exposed to indoor air pollution. Asthma for example, is a condition that can be greatly worsened by indoor air pollution exposure.

Start Improving Your Indoor Air Quality Today

Indoor air pollution is scary, but fortunately, there are lots of ways you can improve the quality of the air in your home—starting with your HVAC system. At Quick Servant, we offer an extensive list of quality products and services that are proven to improve the quality of the air inside your home. From air filtration systems to UV light technology, give Quick Servant a call today to discuss the right solution for your home.