The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant's Temperature Driving Customers Away?

The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant’s Temperature Driving Customers Away?

As the owner or operations manager of a restaurant, you know just how much goes into creating the perfect ambiance for diners. Tons of energy and expenses go into lighting, seating, decor, layout and overall design. However, what you may not put as much time into thinking about is the heating, cooling and overall temperature your restaurant establishment provides. Let’s explore some of the ways issues of comfort or discomfort, rather, could be driving your customers and patrons away.

Air Temperature Is a Huge Part of the Diner’s Overall Experience

The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant's Temperature Driving Customers Away?

Customers who are either shivering or sweating will find themselves impossibly uncomfortable, and will certainly not be able to enjoy their meal. Ultimately, this means you will lose future and potential patrons. Everyone likes to eat in comfort, so don’t lose unhappy customers to sweltering or freezing temperatures. Find the sweet balance between cool and comfortable temperatures.

Find the Perfect Balance for Your Particular Space and Capacity.

The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant's Temperature Driving Customers Away?

This can be tough. With occupancy constantly changing throughout the day, as well as the usage of various pieces of kitchen equipment, keeping your air conditioning system set to optimum comfort can be a difficult task. Prepare ahead and take notes on which temperatures work best throughout various parts of the day. A trained technician can help you determine the optimum temperature to fit your budget.

What is the Ideal Restaurant Dining Room Temperature? Depends on Outdoor Temperatures.

The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant's Temperature Driving Customers Away?

In the middle of summer, temperatures can spike, and diners are often looking for a cool, refreshing break from the intense heat. If you find yourself in the middle of winter, patrons may be looking for a warm break from snow and sleet. Adjust your restaurant’s thermostat accordingly.

Maintain Your Commercial HVAC and Ventilation System.

The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant's Temperature Driving Customers Away?

Renovations or any additions to your restaurant can potentially throw everything off balance when it comes to the indoor comfort of your space. Adjustments to your ductwork may be required to ensure the right amount of airflow is reaching the dining room. Have your air ducts assessed by a trusted commercial HVAC technician who understands the science of maintaining high-quality comfort.

Routine preventative service on your restaurant’s HVAC and commercial equipment will allow you the following benefits

– Regular service prevents unexpected and expensive breakdowns.
– You’ll be guaranteed priority service at the most crucial of times.
– Trained professionals can advise you on your restaurant’s status and future needs.

Call Quick Servant to Optimize Your Restaurant’s Temperature and Comfort

The Cost of Discomfort: Is Your Restaurant's Temperature Driving Customers Away?

Restaurants face tough and unique air conditioning challenges. Fortunately, the highly trained team of technicians at Quick Servant is the area’s leading choice for resolving issues of discomfort in commercial spaces throughout Maryland, Washington D.C. and Virginia. If you are struggling to maintain a consistent temperature or humidity level at your restaurant, or want to learn more about the long-term benefits of routine HVAC and commercial equipment maintenance, contact us today.

Quick Servant is here to make sure your establishment stays at the optimum comfort while still considering budget and monthly costs, and we offer a number of innovative efficiency solutions to make sure your needs are met. Call (888) 238-4133 to speak with one of our friendly representatives and get on the road to high-quality comfort at your dining establishment today! We’ll be there when you need us.

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